Monday, October 29, 2007
***Just Thinking***

My hopes are that I go to work for Bright House in Brandon, Florida where Im moving to. Which is the same type of services. (TV, Phone, and Internet), so I know I'll do well there.
(Chris works there, so I'd atleast know someone who works there. I dont think it'll be that hard to get a position there, in sales or billing or both..I just got a number to call, so wish me luck when I do call and pray that I can get in when I move. :D)
But while here at Center Partners I am going to be moving into an Outbound Campaign for November and December, starting on the 5th...Its a pay raise of $14 an hour plus our commision rates. Which will help me earn some big money for when Im moving, and I'll have plenty saved.
Alright for now I dont have much more to say, will edit later.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
An Update
My mama and pops will be coming to meet me there as well as my guy, Chris. I am soooo excited I dont even know how to explain it. and ill be leaving that week with a bonus check sitting in the bank for me to use for my car and other fun stuff I want to get along the way...Im going to be taking just a bag of clothes and my carry on, and maybe a box with my lizard stuff...
I am officially sneaking in my lizard. she will stay in my pocket until I get past the detectors and then put her in a little box for the flight there. (Or maybe I'll just call the airport and see how much it will cost. lol.)
More Later
Friday, October 26, 2007
***Random Thoughts***

I look back in the past when we were together. It was short and sweet, but I have many good memories...
I remember first meeting him, we got together at Walmart. Early morning 1 or 2am. I dont know why the randomness of the location but we had fun. Both of us were so nervous we kept dropping everything we touched. After laughing at our stupidity we went our seperate ways only to end up together as a couple. From that point on when we werent working or at school we spent that time together. We talked about everything and anything, laughed a lot, and grew a really good friendship. Sadly it only lasted about a month, and we really did go our seperate ways. We both met new people and lost contact for a long time. During the whole time though I remembered him as my favorite boyfriend because I had such a strong attraction for him, because we had gotten so close in a short period of time, because we had such a strong bond.
Funny things I remember:
-Sitting in the car at the mall not saying a word, just looking into eachothers eyes.
-Going to his house and just napping together.
-Watching a movie at my place and getting called on the phone by parents in other room checking up on me.
-Sitting in a favorite spot at night in his car just talking and making out and smoking, bullshitting the time away.
-His brother walking in on us fooling around.
-Waking up at 6 or 7am just to get breakfast at the local buffet.
-Fooling around in McDonalds parking lot and almost getting caught
-Getting a rose on my Birthday.
-Saying goodbye to the relationship but not being able to stay apart.
NOW, alittle more then a year down the road we are back together, although through long distance and not technically in a relationship yet, we are becoming better friends then ever. Falling for eachother over again. We spend hours talking and laughing, and missing each other so much.
Is this a crime? Why am I afriad I'll get hurt again? Probably because everyone else had decided someone was better then me, every time just getting hurt and left. But he seems different, and I dont want to say I tell myself that each and everytime. He is sincere and kind, he tells me how special I am, how awesome I am, how stupid he was for ending things, how things will be great this time...and I think I truely believe him because we didnt really break up on bad the time he had told me he just wanted to focus on his school and work. Now hes stable and focused and Im hoping I'll be able to squeeze in there.
Its funny, before I was thinking of moving back we made a pact together to get married in 7 years if neither one of us were attatched. Now it seems fate is taking a hold...perhaps it will be 7 years or sooner or never, but my moto has always been Live in the moment...and boy am I looking forward to the moment we can touch again. When I will be in Florida and he will be with me. Theres so much more to say about him. We have a lot in common. Similar likes and tastes, etc etc...
Im so excited, and I miss him and I miss my family!
2. Ship Boxes!
3. Sell Car!
-Buying Plane Ticket-
Looked at US Airways and their cheapest ticket was for $380. Will be looking at other sights and flight carriers.
(Flight leaving December 11th in morning and arriving that afternoon. Chris says he is off so could pick me up and then I think I'm going to spend that day with him and then head home and get settled in Ma and Pop will also be coming just to meet me at the airport and then the next day after spending time with Chris I'm gonna be home getting things straightened away.)
-Ship Boxes-
Either UPS or Greyhound. Should run from $25-50 a box figuring they are under 50lbs each.
-Sell Car-
Placing ad to sell car $2500 OBO, but if I cant get someone to buy it and don't have enough to cover the cost through Phoenix Financial will be seeing if Auto Credit will take back or what their options would be.
Anything extra such as left over bonus money, gift cards, money given to me by family will be set aside to go towards needed essentials in FL and a down payment towards new car.
Im Planning my Trip